Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Puns: gimp assignment 7

For this assignment we created puns in gimp. Try and guess what these 3 are. :)

Visual Dictionary: gimp assignment 6

For this assignment we made pictures that represented the word we chose.

Photo Assignment 6: Still Life

For this photo assignment, I chose to shoot still life. What I did was took a bucket of water and had a friend drop the orange right when I was going to take the picture. So I chose the best photo of the bunch.

ISO: 80
fStop: 1/249
Aperture: f2.8

Portraits: gimp assignment 5

In this gimp assignment we were told to get a partner and take some good looking portraits of them. After we were told to go to gimp and clean up the photos a little and make them look nice.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Photo Assignment 5: Animals

This week i chose to take pictures of some chickens at a friends house. I was trying to take photos to show where they live and there habitat.

ISO: 100
Fstop: 2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/800

Monday, May 16, 2011

gimp 4: School

In the fourth assignment we had to take a picture of the school, and transform it somehow. I took a picture of the windows and added gumballs to it, I needed around 5 layers, and used many things such as the eraser, free select tool, and many more.


ISO: 80
Fstop: 5
Shutter Speed: 1/800


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Motion Blur

ISO: 80
Fstop: 8
Shutter Speed: 1/80

In this assignment I learned how to take a picture of something moving, but make it look still and make the background look like it is moving. As Mr. OD was riding his motorcycle we took the picture but moved along with the camera at the same time.